In a town hosting hundreds of internally displaced people in Syria, this quality school attempts to provide the children in this town with a second home. A space of playing, studying, interacting and breaking barriers between the IDPs and the host community. The School is designed to offer a space for both, children's activities during the day and community activities during the evenings.
The school offers a variety of spaces for a wide range of potential activities. children who prefer to sit in Cousy space will find shelter in the small courtyard, and those who like to run can do it among the olive trees in the adjacent garden. When a student wants a moment with himself to read a book or think, he or she can jump into one of the thinking niches around the school. The central courtyard offers a space where collective activities can be held. The central multipurpose hall can also provide such an opportunity in an indoor setting. Both the central courtyard and central multipurpose hall can be joined together to host bigger events, dinners, or even theatre activities where the courtyard becomes the auditorium space and the hall becomes the stage.
No one size fits all. Students no longer sit in rows all the time, nor do they spend all the time in their classrooms. Therefore, all classrooms are designed with the possibility of reconfiguration to open two or more classrooms into each other to form a bigger space for collective activities.
Shade and light were of height propriety while designing the building. the shaded colonnade offers the opportunity for children to circulate across the school in the shadow while enjoying the openness of the courtyard, all classrooms have a minimum of two facades where light can flow into the space, and the courtyard offers the opportunity to be in the open with some shadow in one of its sides at any time during the day.
Celebrating natural materials and features of traditional architecture, the building is made of an array of thick walls with large arched openings made of natural compressed earth blocks and wood in most of its parts. Choosing earth block as materials account for the scarcity of building materials and attempt to encourage the culture of a material industry which can open the way for small and not necessarily highly equipped business to flourish.